Simplify Your AWS Access Management with Border0 for ||

Experience the convenience of managing access to your AWS resources through a single, intuitive interface. Border0 integrates with your existing Single Sign-on provider and offers granular access control and enhanced auditing & visibility.
Get started today with our fully featured free community edition, or schedule a demo and let us walk you through a custom demo.
Amazon EC2
Border0 Access policy
Create access control rules based on: SSO Identity, Location, IP, dates, time of day.  Pagerduty, or custom policy integrations
SSH Access to your EC2 instances. Using SSH or Session manager as upstream protocols.
Audit & Visibility
  • Session logs
    (who accessed the ec2 instance, when and from where)
  • Detailed session replay: recording of complete terminal session
Border0 Access policy
Create access control rules based on: SSO Identity, Location, IP, dates, time of day.  Pagerduty, or custom policy integrations
SSH Access to ContainersUsing SSH or Session manager as upstream protocols.
Audit & Visibility
  • Session logs
    (who accessed container, when and from where)
  • Detailed session replay: recording of complete terminal session.
Amazon RDS
Access control
Create access control rules based on: SSO Identity, Location, IP, dates, time of day.  Pagerduty, or custom policy integrations
Access To RDS Mysql and Postgres services.Using RDS IAM, or static credentials.

To access private RDS instances using AWS native tools, you need to use a bastion host, either using SSH or Session manager, and port forwarding. Using Border0 it just works!
Audit & Visibility
  • Session logs
    (who accessed database, when and from where)
  • Detailed session replay: See all queries executed during the session
Amazon S3
Access control
Create access control rules based on: SSO Identity, Location, IP, dates, time of day.  Pagerduty, or custom policy integrations
Access your S3 buckets with your browser from anywhere.
Audit & Visibility
  • Session logs
    (who accessed what bucket, when and from where)
  • Detailed session replay: what files & folders were accessed during a session.
  • * coming soon
Amazon Cloudwatch
Audit & Visibility
Centralized log management:
AWS users can access and manage Border0 logs alongside their existing AWS logs, streamlining the monitoring process.

Centralized log management:
Users can leverage AWS native tools and services to analyze and process Border0 logs, tailoring their approach to suit their specific needs.

Integration with AWS monitoring and alerting:
By sending logs to CloudWatch, Border0 logs can be easily integrated with AWS monitoring and alerting services, allowing for timely notifications and proactive incident response.

Get started today with our fully featured free community edition, or schedule a demo and let us walk you through a custom demo.