Embracing Zero Standing Privileges with Border0 Access Requests

Have you ever faced a critical system outage and needed immediate, elevated access to resolve the issue, but were hindered by lengthy approval processes or outdated permissions? Or, perhaps you worry about the risks associated with users having long-standing, persistent privileges that provide too much ongoing access. You're not alone. Many organizations struggle to balance providing necessary access quickly while maintaining tight security controls. To address these challenges, we’re proud to introduce our new Access Requests feature, designed to help organizations easily achieve Zero Standing Privileges (ZSP) efficiently and securely.

The Need for Zero Standing Privileges

Zero Standing Privileges is a security model that minimizes the risk of unauthorized access by ensuring that users do not have ongoing persistent access to critical systems. Instead, access is granted Just In Time, only when necessary and revoked immediately after the task is completed. This approach significantly reduces the attack surface and enhances compliance with various regulatory requirements.

Border0's Access Requests Feature

Border0's Access Requests feature is designed to make the implementation of Zero Standing Privileges straightforward and effective. Here’s how it works:

How Access Requests Work

1. Access Request Initiation: When a user, such as a support team member, needs access to a critical resource like a database, they initiate an access request. This request includes a duration and clear justification for the access, ensuring that each request is well-documented and justified.

Submitting an Access Request

2. Approval Process: Next up configured approvers, say a fellow team member, the team manager or central IT, will receive a notification of the access requests and can review the justification provided. They can then approve or deny the request based on its validity. If approved, they can then fine tune the application specific permission and configure how long access is granted, typically a few hours, to minimize security risks.

Access request Approval

3. Temporary Access Grant: Once approved, the user receives temporary access to the requested resource. This access is automatically provisioned and will expire after the specified duration. This ensures that users have the access they need to perform their tasks without lingering permissions.

4. Session Monitoring and Logging: Border0 continuously monitors the session and logs and records all activities for audit purposes. Administrators can view these logs in real-time and see all database queries, ensuring that all actions are tracked and any suspicious activities are immediately addressed. All of this is grouped by access request, making it super easy to track everything related to the request, all the way up to the actual session in which the user accessed the requested resource, and allowing you to see exactly what happened during that session.

Session recordings are linked to the access requests.

5. Session Termination: At the end of the access period, the session is automatically terminated. If additional time is required, the user must submit a new access request. This automatic termination ensures that no unauthorized access persists.

Real-World Applications and Benefits

Border0's access request feature shines in managing privileged access to high-value resources, like your infrastructure. Imagine an engineer needing elevated privileges to resolve an incident. With ZSP and Border0, they can request access, provide justification, and receive swift approval. This ensures they can perform tasks efficiently without unnecessary delay or security risk.

Boost Your Security Posture: By adopting ZSP, organizations significantly enhance their security posture. Temporary, just-in-time access minimizes the window of opportunity for attackers, reducing overall risk.

Simplify Compliance and Audit Readiness: With a complete audit trail of access requests and approvals, compliance with regulations like SOC2 become effortless. Organizations can demonstrate tight control and monitoring of sensitive systems, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.

Explore Border0's Access Request Feature Today

Implementing Zero Standing Privileges with Border0's new Access Requests feature marks a significant step towards a more secure and controlled access management system. This approach not only enhances security but also simplifies compliance and improves operational efficiency. At Border0, we are dedicated to providing solutions that offer the perfect balance of security and usability, ensuring that administrators have control and visibility while end-users experience seamless access to the resources they need.

Signup for our free community edition to start your journey with Border0 today and experience the future of secure access management.

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