At Border0, we understand that managing and accessing your servers and databases can be a hassle, especially when it comes to security and enforcement. That's why we're dedicated to providing low-friction access, with the added bonus of visibility and security. And to achieve this, it's important to have the right tools for the right users. That's why we're excited to introduce the Border0 Desktop App.
The Border0 Desktop App is the ideal solution for those who prefer a graphical App to access their servers and databases. The App is designed to be simple, yet powerful, making it easy for users to discover what they have access to and start accessing it with just a single click.
Download and Connect
The Border0 Desktop App can be downloaded from the Download section on our website. We have versions for all major desktop platforms, including MacOS, Windows, and Linux.

Once installed, it’s as easy as logging into your organization and discovering what you have access to. The App has a convenient filter that allows users to search by Service Type, and a fuzzy search function for name or description, making it easy to quickly find what you’re looking for.
When you click on the “Connect” button, the Border0 desktop App will launch the appropriate client to connect to the service. For example, if you're connecting to an HTTP service, Border0 will automatically launch your browser. If you're connecting to an SSH service, Border0 will ask for your preferred username and launch the Border0 SSH client. For database services the App will ask you for your preferred database client and the database schema (database name) to connect to.
Don’t worry about clicking too much, as the next time you connect to a Service, you’ll have a “Quick Connect” option, allowing you to connect to the service using your previously selected preferred database client or SSH username.
Tray Menu - Convenience at Your Fingertips

The Border0 Desktop App is designed with convenience in mind, and that's why we’ve included one of those sleek tray menus.
After starting the Desktop App, you’ll notice the Border0 logo in your tray menu bar. With this handy tray menu, accessing your servers is just a click away. Super handy, whether you need to quickly log in or change organizational context.
Wrap Up
Whether you're a command-line guru or prefer a graphical App, Border0 has got you covered. So why wait? Get started today by downloading the Border0 Desktop App from our download page at
And if you haven't already, create your free account to experience the power of Single Sign-On access to all your servers (HTTP, database, or SSH) using just your existing SSO credentials.
We hope you enjoy using the Border0 Desktop App and we're excited to see how it can help simplify your server and database management experience. If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to us, we’re always here to help.
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